The meaning of the precepts in Pancasila in everyday life ( Indonesia) ~ WEB PECINTA IPA <meta content='WEB PECINTA IPA' name='keywords'/>


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Sunday, November 28, 2021

The meaning of the precepts in Pancasila in everyday life ( Indonesia)

The meaning of the precepts in Pancasila in everyday life (Indonesia)

1) Precepts in the One Supreme Godhead. The consequence of the first precept is to require religious and belief people to live in harmony in a diversity of beliefs. Attitude
which reflects the first precepts, among others: belief and piety in God according to the religion and beliefs held, mutual respect and cooperation between religious adherents so that harmony is fostered, mutual respect for freedom and worship according to their religion and beliefs.

2) Fair and Civilized Humanity Precepts. The consequence of the second precept is to uphold the dignity and human rights or to act justly and civilly towards other human beings. Attitudes that reflect the second precept include: acknowledging equality, loving fellow human beings, developing an attitude of tolerance, not arbitrarily towards others, upholding human values, liking to carry out humanitarian activities, daring to defend truth and justice, mutual respect and cooperation. with other nations.

3) Precepts of Indonesian Unity and Unity. The consequence of the third principle is to cultivate an attitude of love for the homeland and defend the country. Attitudes that reflect the third precept include: placing the unity, unity, interests and safety of the nation and state above personal or group interests, being willing to sacrifice for the nation and state, love for the homeland and nation, being proud as an Indonesian nation and having an Indonesian homeland, promoting social relations. for the unity and integrity of the nation with Bhinneka Tunggal Ika.

4) Populist Precepts Led by Wisdom of Wisdom in Representative Deliberations. The consequence of the fourth precept is to actively participate in overseeing the political life of the government and to be responsible in accordance with the profession they have. Attitudes that reflect the fourth precept include: prioritizing the interests of the state and society, not imposing the will on others, prioritizing deliberation to reach consensus with the spirit of kinship in making decisions for the common good, accepting and implementing the results of deliberation decisions and being morally accountable to God Almighty. One.

5) The Precepts of Social Justice for All Indonesian People. The consequence of the fifth precept is to be active in advancing the welfare of Indonesia in accordance with their respective abilities and positions. Attitudes that reflect the fifth precept include: developing an attitude and atmosphere of family and mutual cooperation; develop a fair attitude towards others; maintain a balance between rights and obligations; respect the rights of others, like to help; not use property rights for businesses that are extortionate, contrary to or detrimental to the public interest; likes to work hard; appreciate the work of people; and likes to do social activities.

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