PECINTA IPA: Bhagawad Gita


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Showing posts with label Bhagawad Gita. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bhagawad Gita. Show all posts

Sunday, July 15, 2018

All About Material Value

All About Material Value

At the time that no one can do is if a person has absolutely no material at all. This is what is often felt by people who are in the middle to lower economic level. Someone feels so sick when they have no material. Matter is an inseparable partner of life. So life can be said to live in a material world. If you live in another spiritual world again the story.
Material Ilustration
All experience can be the most valuable life lesson. Like the pride of someone who is at stake. Every moment humans experience things that hurt. The sick thing that from the heart seemed to pierce from within the conscience. Circumstances like a knife so pierced. enough until then.

Material problems, Almost all humans in all corners of the world are busy thinking about the material all the time. Now all good affairs many or little can not be separated from the name of the material. Even pee just pay and other examples such as parking vehicles. As if if no material will not be able to live, especially in meeting basic needs. Diamana looking for the material? of course with work. Now that's a big question, All work is making money? Is it appropriate or appropriate between work and income?

A person's income varies depending on the type of work, mostly like that. Not from the weight of his job. Just imagine it like a stone-breaker or a worker is usually a smaller result than an office person. This is what causes a lot of social jealousy. Many among the people who talk to each other. If it happens then there will be chaos.

As many of the problems that occur in society, chaos will grow and not conducive. Is this society to be expected?

Back to the material problem, which is a problem that is so complicated for all circles that can be linked to the problems of society. All these problems can happen anytime. So work as well as possible. Whatever the job, live and work according to clear instructions. Hopefully by working properly all the problems about the material can be overcome well.

Monday, June 25, 2018



And Many More, 

Friday, January 5, 2018


 Selamat datang di Web-Blog pecinta IPA, disini saya akan memberikan ringkasan Doa Rapat baik secara Resmi dan tidak Resmi, dengan Tujuan Agar terselamatkan. Berikut adalah Doanya :

Ilustrasi Sangkep/ Rapat di Balai Banjar

Om Swastyastu
Om Awignam Astu Namo Siddham

Om Sam Gacchadwam Sam Wadadwam
Sam Wo Manamsi Janatam
Dewa Bhagam Yatha Purwe
Samjanana Upasate
Om Samani Wa Akutih
Samana Hrdayani Wah
Samanam Astu Wo
Mano Yatha Wah Susahasati

Om Ano Bhadrah Krattawo Yantu Wiswatah

(Ya Tuhan, hamba berkumpul di tempat ini hendak bicara satu dengan yang lain untuk menyatukan pikir sebagai mana halnya para dewa selalu bersatu. Ya Tuhan, tuntunlah kami agar sama dalam tujuan, sama dalam hati, bersatu dalam pikiran hingga dapat hidup bersama dalam sejahtera dan bahagia. Ya Tuhan, semoga pikiran yang baik datang dan segala penjuru.)

Om Hyang Widhi, yang Maha Pengasih dan Penyayang, hanya kepada-Mu kami memanjatkan Doa dan memohon Anugrah. Pada Hari ini kami Keluarga Besar SDN 3 Alasangker mengadakan acara Rapat Komite dan Wali Siswa, Berikanlah kami keselamatan, lindungilah kami dari segala hal yang tidak baik. Bebaskanlah kami dari segala rintangan sehingga kami dapat mencapai tujuan bersama.

Om Hyang Widhi, 
Ampunilah Kami, ampunilah segala kekeliruan kami, dan bebaskan kami daari segala dosa.

Om Santih, Santih, Santih Om

Catatan : Doa tersebut menurut Hindu, untuk yang lain sesuaikanlah dengan kepentingannya masing-masing.

Hanya itu yang bisa saya sampaikan, jika ada kesalahan atau kekurangan mohon dikoreksi agar pengembangan selanjutnya semakin sempurna.